Bible Focus

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Monday, October 02, 2006

The New Birth: Part 3

The process that starts with a seed being impregnated in the womb of a mother lasts for about 9 months, and ends with the birth of a baby. This is when what has been hidden and developing inside becomes something that is known to the outside world. And the New Birth is no different. It is the point in the life of a Christian at which they decide to be open and show the whole world that what they are. They make their public stand for Christ, and give up all their old life so that they can have the new life of Jesus Christ. And the Lord God confirms that He has accepted their decision by giving them the gift of the Holy Spirit, and dwelling with them – giving them their new life.

When a baby comes to the point of birth, there is a process. I am the father of two children. My son was born prematurely, and I was unable to be with my wife at the time. But I was privileged to be at the birth of my daughter, and to take my wife to most of the appointments with the midwife. We men are encouraged to take part in the “birth process” in England these days. Because of this, we both learnt about the different stages of birth, and what to do at each stage. Although it is much more complicated than this, we know that there is water, then blood, and then the baby comes.

And just as the actual birth of a baby takes place in stages, so there is a “birth process” to the New Birth for a Christian. Once the seed in a Christian is ready to appear in their life, the first stage of the New Birth takes place. This is the confession of Faith in Jesus Christ, and the water baptism that Jesus commanded for all his followers. The second stage follows, where a believer is moved on by God in order to make them a suitable dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. And lastly, when a believer is ready to receive the indwelling life, receiving the Holy Spirit completes the New Birth.

These three stages can be called Justification, Sanctification, and Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Justification, by faith in the work of Jesus Christ is where the Believer is forgiven of sins. Sanctification is the cleaning up of the life of a believer. God works on the mind of a believer, showing them what thoughts and actions are acceptable to Him, and those that are offensive to him. And finally the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is God coming for the purpose of indwelling the believer – making his abode in the heart of man.

It may be helpful to consider the story of the man that found a gold cup in a pigsty at this point. When he finds it, he picks it up, and claims it for himself. This is justification. You no longer are your own, but you confess that your life belongs to the Lord Jesus. But this is not the end for the cup – it is still filthy from the muck and mud of the pigsty. So, what now? Not the man washes and re-washes it, until he is sure that it is clean enough to drink from. This is sanctification. The Lord wants to use us, but we may have certain habits that could be offensive to the Lord. So gradually we are cleaned of those things. Finally, the cup is clean, and it is placed on the table for use. And this last stage is receiving the Holy Spirit. We are clean and ready for service, and the Holy Spirit places us in the service of the Lord in a very real way.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Derrek, God bless you for the insight i am getting from these serries. These three stages, Jutification, Sanctification and Baptism of the Holy Ghost are explained as a process. May you kindly enlighten me say in the case of conrnelius's house, or any of those bible folks who would be preached to and immediately they believe and then they would be baptised with the Holy Spirit, would they go through other processes later or it would happen soo fast and they would be ready for service.(Just to understand not to challenge you my brother) Go ahead with the work. God bless you.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

God bless you Roni, and thank you for your kind words. You are quite correct in what you say about Cornelius it does seem different to what I am outlining here. However, this is not the case - every New Birth is a process. If we look at the scriptures that involve this situation in Acts chapter 10, we find in the first few verses that Cornelius was already a believer in God.

Act 10:1 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band,
Act 10:2 A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God always.

So it is certain that God was already preparing the heart of those who were about to hear Peter for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - if you like, the process had aready begun.
I hope that answers your question, if not let me know.


8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh Amen, I get it, God bless you

4:02 PM  

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